The PC-SIG Library 9
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LE_C Library Functions
Version 1.0
Reference Manual
ProBATE Software Publishing Co., Inc.
3527 West 12th Street, Suite B
Greeley, CO 80634
(303) 352-3445
Copyright (c) 1990 By ProBATE Software Publishing Co., Inc.
All Rights Reserved
License Agreement
The LE_C Library is protected by United States Copyright Law. All
rights are reserved by ProBATE Software Publishing Co., Inc. Non-
registered users of LE_C are licensed only to use the program on a
trial basis for the sole purpose of determining whether or not it meets
their requirements. All other use requires registration.
Any other use of non-registered copies of LE_C by any person, business,
corporation, or any other entity is strictly forbidden and is a
violation of this license agreement.
Registered users are licensed to use the LE_C Library on one computer
All users are granted a limited license to copy LE_C Library for trial
use of others, with the following conditions:
LE_C Library must be distributed in unmodified, complete
form, including the manual, and license agreement.
No fee, other than a disk duplicating fee, not to
exceed, $6.00, may be charged for LE_C Library.
ProBATE Software Publishing Co., Inc. grants, to registered owners
only, a royalty-free right to reproduce and distribute the run-time
routines provided they are distributed only in conjunction with and as
part of a software product.
Disclaimer of Warranties
ProBATE Software Publishing Co., Inc. makes LE_C Library available "as
is" and is not making any warranties of any kind including but not
limited to implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a
particular purpose. ProBATE Software Publishing Co., Inc. does not
guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of the information
contained in the software and documentation. ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. does not accept liability for any loss or damage
resulting from the use of this software and documentation, including
direct, indirect, consequential, or special damage.
Choice of Law
The rights and obligations of you and ProBATE Software Publishing Co.,
Inc. with respect to the LE_C Library shall be governed by the laws of
the state of Colorado and, where applicable, of the United States.
Registration entitles you to use the LE_C Library 1.0. Any
unregistered use other than trial use to determine if LE_C meets yours
needs is a violation of the license agreement and is strictly
Single user registration is available for $30.00 per copy. Registered
users will receive the most current version of LE_C Library. This
includes the complete C source code. Registration also entitles you to
discounts on future products.
The LE_C license authorizes the use of one copy of LE_C for use on one
computer only. If you have multiple computers, either standalone, or
networked, you must register one copy of LE_C for each workstation on
which LE_C will be used.
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(303) 352-3445
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Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Video Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Screen Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
LE_C Library Object Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
LE_C Help Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
fkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
item_struct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
BMENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
BMENU_ITEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
BOX_MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Globals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
_le_help_page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
_le_help_load_sw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
_le_help_file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
_le_help_row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
_le_help_col . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
_le_help_width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
_le_help_move_sw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
_le_help_reset_clr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
_le_help_clr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
_le_help_explode_sw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
_le_help_box_type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
_le_clr_in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
_le_clr_out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
_le_toggle_key1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
_le_toggle_key2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
_le_skey[] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
_le_bmenu_bar_clr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
_le_bmenu_clr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
_le_bmenu_act_clr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
_le_bmenu_norm_act_clr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
_le_bmenu_shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
_le_bmenu_hot_sw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
_le_bmenu_width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
_le_bmenu_rows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
le_date.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
le_get_date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
le_dbl.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
le_get_double . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
le_format_double . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
le_round_double . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
le_help.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
le_read_help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
le_help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
le_init.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
le_init_field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
le_inpt.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
le_input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Table of Contents
le_item.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
le_item_switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
le_key.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
le_get_key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
le_long.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
le_get_long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
le_format_long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
le_menu.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
le_bmenu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
le_box_menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
le_misc.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
le_goto_xy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
le_scroll_up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
le_scroll_down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
le_size_cursor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
le_save.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
le_build_buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
le_save_block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
le_restore_block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
le_save_scrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
le_restore_scrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
le_strng.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
le_get_multln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
le_get_string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
le_util.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
le_display_error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
le_fright_zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
le_fudge_factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
le_wait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
le_init_fkey_struct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
le_is_dos_legal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
le_locate_file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
le_long_to_date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
le_severe_error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
le_system_date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
le_verify_date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
le_word_wrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
le_vid.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
le_set_video_mem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
le_video_mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
le_write.c functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
le_clear_block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
le_cls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
le_draw_border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
le_draw_hline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
le_draw_vline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
le_fill_block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
le_rewrite_scrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
le_write_char . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
le_write_string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
le_write_far_string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
The LE_C Library is a comprehensive set of C run-time functions that
allows you to easily create programs that implement many of today's
standard user interfaces. LE_C contains routines for menus, box menus,
data entry, help facility, border drawing (including exploding boxes),
line drawing, and much, much more. Most of the LE_C functions write
directly to the video memory page -- giving you fast screens.
What makes LE_C unique is its integrated help facility functions. LE_C
allows you to create a very useful help facility with a minimum of
fuss. All of the menu and input functions of LE_C support help
screens. In addition, you can specify help screens unique to each menu
selection. Plus, LE_C will allow the user to move the help window
within the screen.
LE_C also allows you to specify up to 40 special function keys (e.g.
Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-End, etc.) for use with the menu and input functions.
These 40 keys are in addition to the pre-defined commonly used function
Extra Bonus! All registered users will receive the screen painter &
code generator. The screen painter & code generator allows you to
create screens complete with boxes and lines. This utility will then
generate LE_C function calls for the desired screen.
The LE_C library functions were developed using QuickC Version 2.0 and
should be compatible with Microsoft C.
We hope you enjoy using these functions as much as we had creating
them. If you have any suggestions, please call or write us.
Thank You. We look forward to your registration.
QuickC and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. - Call 303-352-3445 to Order Page 1
Since many of the LE_C functions write directly to video memory, your
video must be in one of the three text modes (2, 3, or 7). If LE_C
detects any mode other than 2, 3, or 7, it will display a message and
immediately terminate the program.
The screen coordinates for displaying strings, boxes, lines, etc. are
absolute screen values. That is, the upper left corner is 0,0 and the
lower right corner is 24,79. Other values will result in unsuccessful
function calls.
The LE_C functions are divided into several object modules
that perform various functions. These modules are the following:
Object File Description
------------ -----------------------------------------
le_date.obj date input function
le_dbl.obj double value input/format functions
le_glob.obj global variable declarations
le_help.obj LE_C help facility functions
le_init.obj field initialization function
le_item.obj item switch input function
le_key.obj key input function
le_long.obj long value input/format functions
le_menu.obj bar and box menu functions
le_misc.obj screen scrolling and cursor functions
le_save.obj screen saving/restoring functions
le_skey.obj special function key function
le_strng.obj string and multi-line input functions
le_util.obj miscellaneous utility functions
le_vid.obj video mode functions
le_write.obj screen functions
The LE_C library functions were compiled, linked, and tested with the
medium model of the QuickC version 2.0 compiler.
The le_c.hlp file contains your help screens. Each reference to a help
page in your programs via LE_C menus and/or input functions must
contain a corresponding help page in le_c.hlp. The help facility
should be in the following layout:
>1 <- Page #
This is help page number one.
This is line two of number one.
This is help page number two...
< <-End of help facility
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. - Call 303-352-3445 to Order Page 2
LE_C Constants
The following is a list of the commonly used constants defined in the
le_c.h header file. Others not listed are self-explanatory.
Box drawing and line drawing constants:
SVER_DHOR 3 /* box: single vertical - double horizontal */
DVER_SHOR 4 /* box: double vertical - single horizontal */
SINGLE_ENDS 3 /* line: single ver/hor line with ends */
DOUBLE_ENDS 4 /* line: double ver/hor line with ends */
Exploding box constants:
le_input() constants:
le_restore_block() constants:
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. - Call 303-352-3445 to Order Page 3
LE_C Structures
The following is a brief explanation of various structures defined by
LE_C. The le_c.h header file contains more detailed information.
This structure defines the function keys that cause one of the input or
menu functions to return. fkey is a bit-field structure with each key
holding a value of either 0 or 1 (on/off). Supported keys include
F1-F12, PgDn, PgUp, Up arrow, and Down arrow.
Functions requiring the use of the fkey structure will return the
following values if the function key has been set to on (1).
F1 - 1, unless there is help available
F2 - 2
F3 - 3
F4 - 4
F5 - 5
F6 - 6
F7 - 7
F8 - 8
F9 - 9
F10 - 10
F11 - 11
F12 - 12
Up arrow - (-1)
Down arrow - (-2)
PgUp - (-3)
PgDn - (-4)
This structure defines the row, column, width, number of items,and
current position for a call to the le_item_switch() function.
This structure defines the fields for use in the le_input() function
call. Please see the description of the le_input() function for
detailed use of this structure.
This structure contains information about the bar menu to be displayed
by the le_bmenu() function. It contains a pointer to the title,
row/col, current position, number items, box type, exploding box
switch, and a page of the help facility. The row/col is the position
of the first selection.
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. - Call 303-352-3445 to Order Page 4
This structure defines the bar menu items for a call to the le_bmenu()
function. It contains a pointer to the item, its hot key position, and
page of the help facility.
This structure contains information about a box menu type to be
displayed by the le_box_menu() function. It contains three optional
pointers to messages, current menu selection position, row/col, number
of items, exploding box switch, and a page of the help facility. The
row/col is the position of the first selection.
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. - Call 303-352-3445 to Order Page 5
LE_C Globals
le_help.c globals
This variable is a table of long integers that contains the offset
address of each help page. The number of help pages is set to 200 by
LE_HELP_PAGES. It is recommended that you do not change the number of
pages since le_help.c was compiled using 200.
This variable indicates as to whether or not the help facility has been
read by le_read_help(). The switch is automatically set by
le_read_help() after the _le_help_page[] table has been filled.
This is the file name of the help facility file. It is set to
"le_c.hlp". If you wish to change the name of the help facility file,
use the strcpy() function. It is assumed that the help file is located
in the current directory.
This variable indicates the starting row position of the help window.
The default is absolute row 4. If the _le_help_move_sw is set and the
help screen has been moved by the user, _le_help_row will contain the
current setting.
This variable indicates the starting column position of the help
window. The default is absolute column 19. If the _le_help_move_sw is
set and the help screen has been moved by the user, _le_help_col will
contain the current setting.
This variable contains the width of the help screen. The default width
is 40.
This switch indicates as to whether or not the user may move the help
window somewhere else on the screen with the arrow keys. The default
is ON (1).
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. - Call 303-352-3445 to Order Page 6
This variable contains the color to reset the background screen prior
to displaying the help screen. The default is 0. If a non-zero value
is used, that value will be used in a le_rewrite_scrn() call in
le_help(). Since le_help() automatically saves the screen, it will
automatically be restored on exit. The default is 0.
This variable contains the help screen color. The default is 112.
This switch indicates as to whether the help screen is an exploding
box. Valid values are EXPLODE_ON and EXPLODE_OFF. The default is
EXPLODE_ON. If you use exploding boxes and help screens, be sure to
call le_fudge_factor() during program initialization.
This variable indicates the type of box to use when creating the help
window. Valid values are SINGLE_LINE, DOUBLE_LINE, SVER_DHOR, and
DVER_SHOR. The default is DOUBLE_LINE.
le_input.c globals
This variable indicates the color to be used during input. The default
is 12.
This variable indicates the color to reset the input field to on exit.
The default is 30.
This variable is the integer value of the key to be used for returning
to the previous field when using the le_input() function. The default
value is the reverse tab (shift-tab). If you use a special key, don't
forget that its integer value is its value times 256. For example,
CTRL-Left Arrow is 29440. Also, if you use a regular key, its integer
value is its scan code times 256 plus its ASCII value.
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. - Call 303-352-3445 to Order Page 7
This variable is the integer value of the key to be used for advancing
to the next field when using the le_input() function. The default
value is the tab key. If you use a special key, don't forget that its
integer value is the value times 256. For example, CTRL-Right Arrow is
29696. Also, if you use a regular key, its integer value is its scan
code times 256 plus its ASCII value.
This table of integers defines a list of special function keys for use
with the LE_C input and menu functions. Up to 40 special keys may be
defined. If you use a special extended key, don't forget that its
integer value is the value times 256. For example, CTRL-Right Arrow is
29696 (116 * 256). Also, if you use a regular key, its integer value
is its scan code times 256 plus its ASCII value.
Every item in the _le_skey[] table is initialized to zero.
The LE_C input and menu functions will return a value from -11 to -51
for table elements 0-39 respectively.
le_menu.c globals
This variable contains the color to be used for the menu bar for a call
to le_bmenu(). Its default value is 12.
This variable contains the color to be used for the menu for a call to
le_bmenu(). Its default value is 112.
This variable contains the color to be used for the activation (hot
key) key in the menu bar. Its default value is 15.
This variable contains the color to be used for the activation (hot
key) key in the menu. Its default value is 127.
This variable contains the shadow color for the menu. If
you do not wish to use the shadow feature, set it to 0.
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. - Call 303-352-3445 to Order Page 8
This switch indicates whether or not menu selections can be activated
by a hot key. Its default value is 1 for on.
This variable contains the explicit width of a bar menu. If it is
zero, the le_bmenu() function will automatically size the menu.
Otherwise, le_bmenu() will set it to the defined with. Its default
value is 0.
This variable contains the explicit number of rows of a bar menu. If
it is zero, the le_bmenu() function will automatically size the menu.
Otherwise, le_bmenu() will set the number of rows to the defined rows.
Its default value is 0.
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. - Call 303-352-3445 to Order Page 9
LE_C Functions
LE_C Functions
The following is an explanation of each of the LE_C functions. A brief
description, required parameters, and a short example is provided for
each function. Feel free to experiment with the examples. After all,
the best way to discover LE_C's functions is by doing.
le_date.c functions
le_get_date(date, row, col, xkey, help)
This function will allow the user to enter a date in the standard date
format of either MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY. This routine will not verify
a date. Use the le_verify_date() to validate a date.
The function will automatically advance to the next space when either
at the end of the MM or DD field or when the / is pressed. The space
bar may be used to clear the field and start over.
(char *) date : character pointer to 11 byte date field
(char) row : row position of input field
(char) col : column position of input field
(struct fkey) xkey : active function keys
(int) help : help page
Return Value: 0 is returned if enter pressed
A non zero is returned if a special key was pressed
-100 is returned if ESC was pressed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program assumes that the le_c.hlp file
contains page one of the help facility */
/* this function will allow the input of a date */
char my_date[]={" / / "};
struct fkey xkey;
int ret_val;
le_init_fkey_struct(&xkey); /* initialize function key structure */
xkey.F10=1; /* exit if F10 is pressed */
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
/* clear screen */
/* get date */
ret_val=le_get_date(my_date, 10, 0, xkey, 1);
printf("Return value: %d",ret_val);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_dbl.c functions
le_get_double(value, row, col, left, right, xkey, help)
This function will allow the user to input a double value. This value
may have up to 1-12 digits left of the decimal point and up to 1-6
digits right of the decimal point. The input and output colors may be
changed by changing the global variables _le_clr_in & _le_clr_out.
The space bar may be used to clear the field.
(double *) value : pointer to double precision variable
(char) row : row position of input field
(char) col : column position of input field
(char) left : digits left of decimal
(char) right : digits right of decimal
(struct fkey) xkey : active function keys
(int) help : help facility page
Return Value: 0 is returned if enter pressed
A non zero is returned if a special key was pressed
-100 is returned if ESC was pressed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program assumes that the le_c.hlp file
contains page one of the help facility */
/* this function will allow the input of a double value */
double my_value=12345.6789;
struct fkey xkey;
int ret_val;
le_init_fkey_struct(&xkey); /* initialize function key structure */
xkey.F10=1; /* exit if F10 is pressed */
/* clear screen */
/* get value */
ret_val=le_get_double(&my_value, 10, 0, 8, 6, xkey, 1);
printf("Return value: %d",ret_val);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_format_double(value, format, left, right, dollar_sw)
This function will format a double type with commas and an optional
dollar sign. A pointer to the double type is passed in addition the
format string, the maximum number of digits left of the decimal point,
the maximum number of digits right of the decimal point, and the dollar
sign switch. This function will automatically round the value to the
right_dig precision. This function assumes that the format string is
large enough to receive the formatted value. Its minimum size should
be the total of left_dig, right_dig, 1 for decimal point, 1 for sign,
and 1 for null terminating string.
(double *) value : double pointer to value
(char []) format : format string
(int) left : number of digits left of decimal
(int) right : number of digits right of decimal
(char) dollar_sw : dollar sign switch
Return Value : 0 is returned if unsuccessful
1 is returned if successful
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will format a double value */
double my_value=12345.6789;
char format1[15];
le_format_double(&my_value, format1, 6, 2, 1);
printf("Formatted value: %s\n",format1);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_round_double(value, digits)
This function will round a double precision up to the specified number
of decimal digits (0-6).
(double *) value : pointer to double to be rounded
(int) digits : number of decimal digits to round to
Return Value: none
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
double my_value=12345.6789;
printf("Before rounding: %10.4lf\n",my_value);
/* round value to 2 digits */
le_round_double(&my_value, 2);
printf("After rounding: %10.4lf\n",my_value);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_help.c functions
le_read_help() & le_help(help_page)
This function will read the help file and build a table of help page
locations. The help file must be in the following layout in order for
this function to read it successfully. The width of each line in this
ASCII file must be <= _le_help_width. It is recommended that this
function be called during initialization of the program since the
entire help facility must be read. Otherwise, le_help() will call this
function if the le_help_page[] table has not been initialized.
Help file layout:
>1 <- Page #
This is help page number one.
This is line two of number one.
This is help page number two.
This is help page number three.
< <-End of help facility
Return Value: none
This function will display a page from the help facility. The current
screen is automatically saved by a call to le_save_scrn() and will be
restored upon exit by le_restore_scrn(). The help_page must be a valid
help page of the facility. If the _le_help_move_sw is set, the user
may move the help window with the arrow keys. The help screen will be
displayed until the user presses any key. Please read the information
on the le_help.c globals for changing various le_help() defaults.
(int) help_page : help page in help facility
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program assumes that the le_c.hlp file has been
established in the current directory and contains
page 1 */
_le_help_explode_sw=0; /* turn explode switch off */
/* this function will clear the screen, display a message,
and activate page 1 of the help facility */
/* clear screen */
le_write_string(0,0,"Press any key to exit the help or",30);
le_write_string(1,0,"the arrow keys to move the help window",30);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_init.c functions
le_init_field(field, chr, size)
This function will initialize a field to a desired character. This
function assumes that *str points to a field of size+1 or larger.
(char *) field : character pointer to field
(char) chr : initialization character
(int) size : size of field
Return Value: none
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will initialize a field to '*' */
char test[11];
le_init_field(test, '*', 10);
printf("Result: %s\n",test);
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LE_C Functions
le_inpt.c functions
le_input(input_flds, items, pos, xkey)
This function will circulate through a series of input fields for
input. The le_get_double(), le_get_long(), le_get_date(),
le_item_switch(), le_get_string(), and le_get_multln() functions may be
used. An array of
le_input structures is set up with information describing the input
The up/down arrow keys may be used to toggle from field to field. In
addition, the le_toggle_key1 and le_toggle_key2 may be used to toggle
the fields (default: tab and reverse tab);
(struct le_input[]) input_flds : structure array of input fields
(int) items : number of input fields
(int *) : current input field
(struct fkey xkey) : active function keys
Return Value: 0 is returned if enter pressed
A non zero is returned if a special key was pressed
-100 is returned if ESC was pressed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program assumes that the le_c.hlp file
has one page -- not all fields use a help page */
struct le_input inputf[7];
char my_mfield[401];
char my_field[41];
char my_date[11]={" / / "};
long my_long1=0L;
long my_long2=0L;
double my_dbl=0.0;
int input_pos=0;
char *my_items[]=
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
int ret_val;
struct fkey xkey;
xkey.F10=1; /* exit on F10 */
/* clear screen */
/* initialize fields to spaces */
le_init_field(my_mfield, ' ', 400);
le_init_field(my_field,' ', 40);
/* prime input array */
le_write_string(5,0,"Long 1:",30);
le_write_string(7,0,"Long 2:",30);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
inputf[6].lines=3; /* number of items */
ret_val=le_input(inputf, 7, &input_pos, xkey);
printf("Return value: %d\n",ret_val);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_item.c functions
le_item_switch(item_info, items, xkey, help)
This function will allow the user to switch between various pre-defined
alternatives in the *item_ptr[] array. The arrow keys, spacebar, and
tab key will be used to toggle between selections. The ESC and
function keys will terminate the function and return the current
position to the calling function. The *item_info is a pointer to a
structure containing information about the various items.
(item_struct *) item_info : pointer to item_struct
(char *[]) items : pointer array to items
(struct fkey) xkey : active function keys
(int) help : help page
Return Value: 0 is returned if enter pressed
A non zero is returned if a special key was pressed
-100 is returned if ESC was pressed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program assumes that the le_c.hlp file
contains page one of the help facility */
/* this function will allow the user to toggle various items */
char *my_items[]=
"This is the first item",
"This is the second item"
struct fkey xkey;
struct item_struct item_info;
int ret_val;
/* prime item structure with info */
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_init_fkey_struct(&xkey); /* initialize function key structure */
xkey.F10=1; /* exit if F10 is pressed */
/* clear screen */
/* get item */
ret_val=le_item_switch(&item_info, my_items, xkey, 1);
printf("Return value: %d",ret_val);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_key.c functions
This function will wait for a key stroke and return that key stroke in
the union variable defined in the calling function.
Return Value: int value of key pressed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will call le_get_key() and
determine if the key pressed was a special
key (function key, etc.) or a normal key */
union key_in
char ch[2];
int i;
} in_key;
printf("Press a key...\n");
printf("Special key was pressed.\n");
printf("Regular key was pressed.\n");
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_long.c functions
le_get_long(value, row, col, size, xkey, help)
This function will allow the user to enter a long integer up to nine
digits. The space bar may be used to clear the field.
(long *) value : pointer to long integer
(char) row : row position of input field
(char) col : column position of input field
(char) size : width of field
(struct fkey) xkey : active function keys
(int) help : help page
Return Value: 0 is returned if enter pressed
A non zero is returned if a special key was pressed
-100 is returned if ESC was pressed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program assumes that the le_c.hlp file
contains page one of the help facility */
/* this function will allow the input of a long integer */
long my_long=123456L;
struct fkey xkey;
int ret_val;
le_init_fkey_struct(&xkey); /* initialize function key structure */
xkey.F10=1; /* exit if F10 is pressed */
/* clear screen */
/* get value */
ret_val=le_get_long(&my_long, 10, 0, 8, xkey, 1);
printf("Return value: %d",ret_val);
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LE_C Functions
le_format_long(value, form_str[], size, dollar_sw)
This function will format a long integer with commas and an optional
dollar sign. If the value exceeds the desired size, the function will
fill the field with '*'. This function assumes that form_str[] is
large enough to handle the formatted string.
(long) value : value to be formatted
(char []) form_str : receiving field (null terminated)
(int) size : size of receiving field
(char) dollar_sw : dollar sign switch
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will format a long integer */
long my_value=123456L;
char format1[15];
le_format_long(my_value, format1, 10, 1);
printf("Formatted value: %s\n",format1);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_menu.c functions
le_bmenu(&menu, items, xkey)
This function will display a bar menu. Menu selections may be
activated by either positioning the cursor bar and pressing enter or by
pressing the highlighted "hot" key. The cursor bar may be positioned
by using the arrow keys or the space bar. Please see the information
on the le_menu.c globals for changing default settings.
A value of NULL may be used as a menu selection so as to create a line
separating groups of selections.
Help may be defined for both the menu selection and the menu. If a
help page is specified for both the menu and a selection, the menu
selection's help page will be used. If the current menu selection does
not have a help page (0), the menu's help page will be used. If both
the menu and the current selection do not have a specified help page,
no help will be displayed.
(struct BMENU *) menu : pointer to BMENU menu information
(struct BMENU_ITEMS []) items : array of menu items
(struct fkey) : xkey : active function keys
Return Value: 0 is returned if a menu selection was made
A non zero is returned if a special key was pressed
-100 is returned if ESC was pressed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* This program assumes that the le_c.hlp file exists
and contains two pages. Please note the use
of the help page settings to create context
sensitive help */
/* this structure defines each item, its
hot key and the a help page, if any */
struct BMENU_ITEMS main_items[] = { "Data Entry", 0, 2,
"Reports", 0, 1,
NULL, 0, 0, /* NULL draws line */
"Utilities", 0, 0,
"Miscellaneous", 0, 0 };
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LE_C Functions
/* this structure defines the title, the row
and column of the first selection, the
current selection, the number of items,
the box type, exploding box, and the
help page */
struct BMENU main_menu = { " MAIN MENU ", 10, 5, 0,
int i, ret_val;
struct fkey xkey; /* active function keys */
le_init_fkey_struct(&xkey); /* initialize function key structure */
xkey.F5=1; /* exit on F5 function key */
xkey.F6=1; /* exit on F6 function key */
/* clear screen */
/* display menu */
ret_val=le_bmenu(&main_menu, main_items, xkey);
/* don't forget that the NULL selection counts
as one selection */
printf("Current selection: %d\n",main_menu.pos+1);
printf("Return value is: %d\n",ret_val);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_box_menu(menu, items, xkey)
This function will display a box menu type. The user may use the tab
and arrow keys to position the current selection. A selection is made
by pressing the enter key or the hot key for the desired selection.
The function will position the box based on the row/col position. The
row/col position is the position of the first menu selection.
Up to three optional messages may be provided. The size of the box
will adjust to accommodate each additional message.
Help may be defined for both the menu selection and the menu. If a help
page is specified for both the menu and a selection, the menu
selection's help page will be used. If the current menu selection does
not have a help page (0), the menu's help page will be used. If both
the menu and the current selection do not have a specified help page,
no help will be displayed.
(struct BOX_MENU *) menu : pointer to BOX_MENU menu information
(struct BMENU_ITEMS []) items : array of menu items
(struct fkey) : xkey : active function keys
Return Value: 0 is returned if a menu selection was made
A non zero is returned if a special key was pressed
-100 is returned if ESC was pressed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* This program assumes that the le_c.hlp file exists
and contains two pages. Please note the use
of the help page settings to create context
sensitive help */
/* this structure defines the box menu message (only 1
is used), the current position, row/col, number
of selections, explode switch, and help page */
struct BOX_MENU exit_menu = { "Are you sure you want to exit?", "",
"", 0, 8, 30, 3, EXPLODE_ON, 1 };
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
/* this structure defines each item, its
hot key and the a help page, if any */
struct BMENU_ITEMS exit_items[] = {"Yes", 0, 1,
"No", 0, 1,
"Cancel", 0, 1};
int i, ret_val;
struct fkey xkey; /* active function keys */
le_init_fkey_struct(&xkey); /* initialize function key structure */
xkey.F5=1; /* exit on F5 function key */
xkey.F6=1; /* exit on F6 function key */
/* clear screen */
/* display menu */
ret_val=le_box_menu(&exit_menu, exit_items, xkey);
printf("Current selection: %d\n",exit_menu.pos+1);
printf("Return value is: %d\n",ret_val);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_misc.c functions
le_goto_xy(x, y)
(char) x : row position
(char) y : column position
This function calls the ROM-BIOS service function 2 to position the
cursor at x,y on the screen.
Return Value: none
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will position the cursor at absolute
row 15 and column 10 and display a message */
printf("This message started at row 16/column 11.\n");
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LE_C Functions
le_scroll_up(startx, starty, endx, endy, rows, attrib)
This function will scroll a window of the screen up. The number of
lines to scroll up is designated by the rows parameter. The blank
line(s) is filled with spaces using attrib for the color attribute.
This function calls the ROM-BIOS function service 6 to perform the
le_scroll_down(startx, starty, endx, endy, rows, attrib)
This function will scroll a window of the screen down. The number of
lines to scroll down is designated by the rows parameter. The blank
line(s) is filled with spaces using attrib for the color attribute.
This function calls the ROM-BIOS function service 7 to perform the
(char) startx : starting row position
(char) starty : starting column position
(char) endx : ending row position
(char) endy : ending column position
(char) rows : number of rows to scroll
(char) attrib : fill color
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this function will display 15 lines, wait for a key,
scroll a window up 3 lines, wait for a key, and
scroll the window down 2 lines */
int i;
le_clear_block(0,0,24,79,30); /* clear the screen */
for(i=0;i<15;i++) /* fill a window */
le_goto_xy(i,10); /* position the cursor */
printf("Row: %d Scroll Example",i+1);
printf("Press any key to scroll window up 3 lines...");
getch(); /* wait for key */
/* scroll up */
printf("\nPress any key to scroll window down 2 lines...\n");
getch(); /* wait for key */
/* scroll down */
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LE_C Functions
Return Value: none
This function will set the cursor the normal size, CURSOR_ON, insert
mode, CURSOR_INSERT, or turn the cursor off, CURSOR_OFF. The function
will automatically size the cursor for both monochrome and color
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will set the cursor to off, insert, and
normal modes */
printf("\nCursor is off ... press any key");
printf("\nCursor is set to insert ... press any key");
printf("\nCursor is set to normal mode ... press any key");
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_save.c functions
(int) num_buffs : number of screen buffers to allocate
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
This function will build the screen buffers for use with le_save_scrn()
and le_restore_scrn(). Up to LE_BUFFS screens (4000 bytes each) may be
allocated. The function calls _fmalloc() to allocate memory for the
desired number of buffers, num_buffs. If _fmalloc() returns a null
pointer, the function will terminate the program. The screen buffer
information is stored in a structure type of le_buffers called
le_scrn_buf. A pointer to each buffer page is set for each buffer. In
addition, the index to the current page is set as well as the maximum
number of buffers allowed.
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will allocate 5 video
buffers for saving and restoring screens */
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LE_C Functions
le_save_block(index, startx, starty, endx, endy)
le_restore_block(index, action, startx, starty, endx, endy)
This function will save a window of the screen to a dynamically
allocated buffer. An index is passed to the function to identify
the buffer to be saved. The function will call _fmalloc to dynamically
allocate space for the size of the buffer. Both the character and its
attribute will be saved to the buffer. The user may specify index
values 0-18 for saving and restoring blocks. Index 19 is used by the
le_help() help facility.
This function will restore and/or free a window previously saved by the
le_save_block() function. The value of action determines the
processing. If action==RESTORE_ONLY, the function will restore a
previously saved window to the specified coordinates. If
action==FREE_ONLY, the window will not be restored to the screen, but
the allocated memory will be released by _ffree(). If
action==RESTORE_FREE, the previously saved window will be restored to
the screen and the buffer will be released by _ffree(). The
coordinates need not be the same as those used by the le_save_block().
This gives the user the ability to place a window somewhere else on the
screen. However, do not specify a larger or smaller window than
originally saved by le_save_block(). This may result in bad screens or
program crash.
(char) index : block index
(char) action : restore action - RESTORE_ONLY, FREE_ONLY,
(char) startx : starting row position
(char) starty : starting column position
(char) endx : ending row position
(char) endy : ending column position
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
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LE_C Functions
/* clear the screen */
/* draw a window */
/* save the window as block 1 */
printf("Press any key to move window to the right...");
/* clear the screen */
/* restore the block 10 columns to the right */
le_restore_block(1, RESTORE_ONLY, 4, 15, 10, 40);
printf("\nPress any key to move window down...");
/* clear the screen */
/* restore the block 5 rows down & free memory */
le_restore_block(1, RESTORE_FREE, 9, 15, 15, 40);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
(int) buffer_num : 0 if next available page desired
non-zero to specify video page
The le_save_scrn() function will save a screen to a buffer for a new
window or help screen. If zero is passed to the function, the next
available screen buffer is used. Otherwise, the index, buffer_num, is
decremented by one and used as the index. Invalid buffer numbers will
cause the function to return a value of 0 to the calling function. The
le_build_buffers() function should be called prior to calling this
function in order to allocate space for the screen.
The le_restore_scrn() function will restore a screen previously saved
to a buffer using the le_save_scrn() function. If zero is passed to
the function, the previously saved screen will be restored. Otherwise,
the index, buffer_num, is decremented by one and used as the index.
Invalid buffer numbers will cause the function to return a value of 0
to the calling function.
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
#include <conio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will allocate 5 screen buffers, save the current
screen, display junk, wait for the user to press a key, and
restore the screen to its original contents */
le_build_buffers(5); /* allocate 5 screen buffers */
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
int i;
le_save_scrn(0); /* save screen */
for(i=0;i<20;i++) /* display junk */
le_write_string(i,0,"Junk Junk Junk Junk Junk Junk Junk",30);
getch(); /* wait for key */
le_restore_scrn(0); /* restore saved screen */
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_strng.c functions
le_get_multln(editstring, width, lines, row, col, xkey, help)
This function will allow the editing of a multi-line field. This
function supports word wrap and various edit keys.
(char *) editstring : character pointer to field
(int) width : width of field
(int) lines : number of lines
(int) row : row position of input field
(int) col : column position of input field
(struct fkey) xkey : active function keys
(int) help : help page
Return Value: 0 is returned if enter pressed
A non zero is returned if a special key was pressed
-100 is returned if ESC was pressed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
char field[401];
int ret_val;
struct fkey xkey;
xkey.F10=1; /* exit on F10 */
/* clear screen */
/* initialize field to spaces */
le_init_field(field, ' ', 400);
ret_val=le_get_multln(field, 40, 10, 10, 0, xkey, 0);
printf("Return value: %d\n",ret_val);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
Publishing Co., Inc. - Call 303-352-3445 to Order Page 39
LE_C Functions
le_get_string(editstring, size, row, col, xkey, help)
This function will allow the input of a simple one line field.
(char *) editstring : character pointer to field
(int) size : width of field
(int) row : row of input field
(int) col : column of input field
(struct fkey) xkey : active function keys
(int) help : help page
Return Value: 0 is returned if enter pressed
A non zero is returned if a special key was pressed
-100 is returned if ESC was pressed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
char field[41];
int ret_val;
struct fkey xkey;
xkey.F10=1; /* exit on F10 */
/* initialize field to spaces */
le_init_field(field, ' ', 40);
ret_val=le_get_string(field, 40, 10, 0, xkey, 0);
printf("\nResult: %s\n",field);
printf("Return value: %d\n",ret_val);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_util.c functions
le_display_error(error, row, col, back_clr, err_clr, box_sw)
This function is called to display an error that occurred during
processing. The error will be displayed and a key must be pressed to
indicate the user's acknowledgement. If the box_sw is set, the error
will appear in a box at the desired row in the center of the screen.
Otherwise, the error will appear at the desired row and column
This function will call le_save_scrn() and le_restore_scrn(). If
screen buffers have not been allocated, le_display_error() will call
le_build_buffers() to allocate three screen buffers.
(char *) error : character pointer to error to be displayed
(char) row : row to display error
(char) col : column to display error
(char) back_clr : background screen color
(char) err_clr : error color
(char) box_sw : switch to indicate box in center of screen
Return Value: 0 is returned if unsuccessful
1 is returned is successful
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
char *error_table[]=
"Invalid date",
"Value must be less than $25,000"
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LE_C Functions
le_fright_zero(fr_str[], fr_size, row, col, attrib)
This function will remove any character other than a digit and replace
it with a space, move the value to the flush right position, zero fill
any spaces, and display at row/col.
This function comes in handy when writing programs that require
transaction numbers, invoice numbers, etc.
(char []) fr_str : field to be right flushed and zero filled
(int) fr_size : size (width) of field
(char) row : row position to display output
(char) col : column position to display output
(char) attrib : display attribute
Return Value: none
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will zero fill and right flush
a value and display it at the screen origin */
char my_field[7]={"12"};
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LE_C Functions
This function will set a fudge factor based on the speed of the
processor. The fudge factor is then used when calling the le_wait()
function. The fudge factor is approximately 1/100th of a second. The
default value is set for a 12mhz processor. If you plan to use LE_C
with exploding boxes or the le_wait() function, it is recommended that
you call this function during program initialization to calculate the
speed of your processor.
This function will wait approximately num_hunds hundredths of a second.
The speed is based on the fudge factor calculated by le_fudge_factor().
Return Value: none
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
printf("Fudge factor has been calculated.\n");
printf("Press any key to wait 2.5 seconds.\n");
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LE_C Functions
This function will initialize a function key structure. This function
should be called whenever a function key structure is defined for an
input routine.
(struct fkey *) xkey : structure pointer to function keys
Return Value: none
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will prompt the user for a value
and exit if F2, F3, or enter is pressed */
struct fkey xkey;
long my_long=0L;
int ret_val;
/* initialize function key structure */
xkey.F2=1; /* exit when F2 pressed */
xkey.F3=1; /* exit when F3 pressed */
ret_val=le_get_long(&my_long, 10, 50, 8, xkey, 0);
printf("\nReturn value is: %d\n",ret_val);
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LE_C Functions
This function will verify that the characters in a DOS file meet DOS
file naming conventions.
(char []) file_name : file name to be verified
Return Value: 1 is returned if the file name is valid
0 is returned if the file name is invalid
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will determine if two
file names meet dos file naming conventions */
char file_name1[]={"\\\3030"};
char file_name2[]={"#444xxx"};
printf("%s is a valid DOS file name\n",file_name1);
printf("%s is an invalid DOS file name\n",file_name1);
printf("%s is a valid DOS file name\n",file_name2);
printf("%s is an invalid DOS file name\n",file_name2);
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LE_C Functions
le_locate_file(path, filename)
This function will determine if a file exists in the specified *path.
The function is passed a pointer to the path and a pointer to the
filename. A call to the access() function will determine whether or
not the file exists. If the file exists, a value of 1 is returned to
the calling function. Otherwise, 0 is returned to the calling
(char *) path : character pointer to file path
(char *) filename : character pointer to file name
Return Value : 1 is returned if the file exists
: 0 is returned if the file does not exist
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will call the le_locate_file() function to
determine if there is the AUTOEXEC.BAT is in the root directory */
char root[9]={"C:\\"};
printf("AUTOEXEC.BAT was found in root directory\n");
printf("AUTOEXEC.BAT was not found in root directory\n");
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_long_to_date(date_val, date_str)
This function will convert a date in long integer format, YYYYMMDD, to
a string, MM/DD/YYYY. This function assumes that the long integer
contains a valid date.
This function was developed for use with the le_get_date() function.
It is assumed that you will want to store the date in long format
because of size. In addition, having the date in the YYYYMMDD format
aids in sorting.
(long) date_val : date value in long integer (YYYYMMDD format)
(char *) date_str : character pointer to date string
Return Value: none
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will convert a date stored
in a long integer to a string date */
long my_date_val=19891012;
char my_date[11];
printf("Converted date: %s\n",my_date);
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LE_C Functions
le_severe_error(severe_error, reset_clr)
This function is called to process a severe error that requires
termination of the program. A pointer to the error is passed for
display. In addition, the reset screen color is passed for clearing
the screen prior to termination.
(char *) severe_error : character pointer to error
(char) reset_clr : clear screen color
Return Value: none - program is terminated
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will display a severe error,
out of memory, and terminate the program */
le_severe_error("Out of memory.",30);
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LE_C Functions
This function will retrieve the system date and pass it to the calling
program in long integer form formatted as YYYYMMDD.
(long *) sys_date : system date in YYYYMMDD
Return Value: none
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
long todays_date;
printf("Today's date in long YYYYMMDD format:
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LE_C Functions
le_verify_date(date_str[], date_value)
This function will verify the passed date, date_str, for valid date
ranges. The passed date is in MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY format. This
function will provide leap year processing. This function will return
the date as a long integer in YYYYMMDD format as date_value.
This function may be used in conjunction with the le_get_date() input
(char [11]) date_str : date string in MM/DD/YYYY format
(long *) date_value : long pointer to date value (YYYYMMDD)
Return Value: 1 is returned if the date is valid
0 is returned if the date is invalid
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will determine if a date is valid or invalid */
char my_date1[11]={"10/12/1989"};
long date1_long;
printf("%s is a valid date - long value is: %ld\n",
printf("%s is an invalid date\n",my_date1,date1_long);
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LE_C Functions
le_word_wrap(str_ptr, width, row, col, attrib)
This function will wrap words in a string in a window of size width.
(char *) str_ptr : character pointer to string
(int) width : width of window for word wrap
(char) row : row position
(char) col : column position
(char) attrib : display color
Return Value: 0 is returned if unsuccessful
If successful, the number of lines displayed is returned
#include <le_c.h>
char my_string[]={"This string should be displayed on several
lines of the display"};
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LE_C Functions
le_vid.c functions
Return Value: none
This function calls the le_video_mode() function to determine the
current video mode and sets a far pointer, le_video_mem, to point to
the video page. LE_C supports only video modes 2, 3, & 7. All other
modes will result in termination of the program. The LE_C video
functions will call this function automatically to set le_video_mem.
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will call le_set_video_mem()
to set the le_video_mem far pointer */
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LE_C Functions
Return Value : current video mode
The le_video_mode() calls the ROM-BIOS service function 15 to determine
the current video mode. Video modes 2, 3, & 7 indicate text modes.
LE_C functions will operate only with these modes.
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will print the
current video mode */
printf("Current video mode: %d\n",le_video_mode());
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LE_C Functions
le_write.c functions
le_clear_block(startx, starty, endx, endy, attrib)
(char) startx : upper left row (0-24)
(char) starty : upper left column (0-79)
(char) endx : lower right row (0-24)
(char) endy : lower right column (0-24)
(char) attrib : screen color to use
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
The le_clear_block() function will clear a window on the screen. The
starting and ending rows/columns indicate the position on the screen
to clear. In addition, the color is passed to reset the cleared
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this function will display 25 lines of junk
and clear a window using yellow on blue */
int i;
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LE_C Functions
(char) attrib : screen color to clear screen to
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
The le_cls() function will clear the entire screen using the attrib as
the color of the screen.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <le_c.h>
/* this function will display 25 lines of junk and
clear a the entire screen using yellow on blue */
int i;
le_get_key(); /* wait for key */
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LE_C Functions
le_draw_border(bar_code, startx, starty, endx, endy, attrib, type_sw)
(char) bar_code : border type (SINGLE_LINE, DOUBLE_LINE,
(char) startx : upper left row (0-24)
(char) starty : upper left column (0-79)
(char) endx : lower right row (0-24)
(char) endy : lower right column (0-24)
(char) attrib : screen color to use
(char) type_sw : exploding box switch
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
The le_draw_border() function will draw a box on the screen. There are
four types from which to choose (SINGLE_LINE, DOUBLE_LINE, SVER_DHOR,
DVER_SHOR). The box coordinates are passed in addition to the color
attribute. Finally, EXPLODE_ON or EXPLODE_OFF manifest constants may
be used to indicate an exploding box. A call to le_wait() is used to
time the delay between exploding boxes. It is recommended that a call
be made to le_fudge_factor() during initialization so as to determine
the speed of your processor. The call to le_fudge_factor() need only
be made once.
#include <le_c.h>
le_fudge_factor(); /* set up fudge factor for le_wait() */
/* this function will draw an
exploding box on the screen. */
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LE_C Functions
le_draw_hline (type, startx, starty, endy, attrib)
(char) type : line type (SINGLE_LINE, DOUBLE_LINE,
(char) startx : starting row (0-24)
(char) starty : starting column (0-79)
(char) endy : ending column (0-79)
(char) attrib : screen color to use
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
The le_draw_hline() function will draw a horizontal line on the screen
at the specified coordinates. The SINGLE_ENDS and DOUBLE_ENDS
constants indicate T-ends at the end of the line.
#include <le_c.h>
/* this function will draw a
horizontal line at the
specified coordinates */
le_draw_hline(SINGLE_ENDS, 8, 12, 50, 30);
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LE_C Functions
le_draw_vline (type, startx, starty, endx, attrib)
(char) type : line type (SINGLE_LINE, DOUBLE_LINE,
(char) startx : starting row (0-24)
(char) starty : starting column (0-79)
(char) endx : ending row (0-24)
(char) attrib : screen color to use
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
The le_draw_vline() function will draw a vertical line on the screen at
the specified coordinates. The SINGLE_ENDS and DOUBLE_ENDS constant
indicate T-ends at the end of the line.
#include <le_c.h>
/* this function will draw a
vertical line at the
specified coordinates */
le_draw_vline(DOUBLE_LINE, 4, 40, 24, 30);
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LE_C Functions
le_fill_block(fill_ch, startx, starty, endx, endy, attrib)
(char) fill_ch : fill character
(char) startx : starting row position
(char) starty : starting column position
(char) endx : ending row position
(char) endy : ending column position
(char) attrib : color attribute
This function will fill a window of the screen with a specified
character, fill_ch.
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
#include <le_c.h>
/* this program will fill a window on
the screen will the extended ASCII
character 176 */
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LE_C Functions
le_rewrite_scrn(startx, starty, endx, endy, attrib)
(char) startx : upper left row (0-24)
(char) starty : upper left column (0-79)
(char) endx : lower right row (0-24)
(char) endy : lower right column (0-24)
(char) attrib : screen color to use
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
The le_rewrite_scrn() function will change the screen attribute from
startx/starty to endx/endy.
#include <le_c.h>
/* this function will use the le_write_string()
function to display junk on the screen using
yellow on blue and then rewrite a portion
to black on grey */
int i;
le_write_string(i,10,"Junk Junk Junk Junk Junk Junk Junk",30);
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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LE_C Functions
le_write_char(startx, starty, ch, attrib)
(char) startx : starting row (0-24)
(char) starty : starting column (0-79)
(char) ch : character to display
(char) attrib : screen color to use
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
The le_write_char() function will display a single character on the
screen at the specified coordinates. A character constant or its
numeric equivalent may be provided.
#include <le_c.h>
/* this function will display the extended
character 176 (' ') at the origin. */
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LE_C Functions
le_write_string(startx, starty, string, attrib)
(char) startx : starting row (0-24)
(char) starty : starting column (0-79)
(char *) string : null terminated string to be displayed
(char) attrib : screen color to use
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
The le_write_string() function will display a string at the specified
coordinates using attrib as the screen color.
#include <le_c.h>
/* this function will display a
sample string on the screen */
char my_string[]={"This is line two."};
le_write_string(10,35,"This is line one.",30);
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LE_C Functions
le_write_far_string(startx, starty, string, attrib)
(char) startx : starting row (0-24)
(char) starty : starting column (0-79)
(char far *) string : null terminated far string to be displayed
(char) attrib : screen color to use
Return Value : 1 is returned if successful
0 is returned if unsuccessful
The le_write_far_string() is the same as the le_write_string() except
is will display a far null terminated string.
LE_C Library (c) Copyright 1990 By ProBATE Software
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